Life begins at 40, aging is part of life, and one is wiser they say. However, for some aging is a problem as the age lines start to show. There are many different ways of taking care and getting rid of those lines, Solvaderm, is one of those.
As the saying goes, prevention is better than cure and many opt to great measures in making themselves look younger. Today, we want to discuss one method that people use to solve their age-old wrinkle problem and why Solvaderm's Stemuderm still stands out from the rest.
Many spend thousands on facelift and many other cosmetic procedures but not achiving the desired results. Others opt for different procedures, and yes, it is COSTLY!
Carbon Spectra Peel, Cosmetic Procedure
As with a Facelift, Botox, and Fraxel treatments, there is another cosmetic procedure known as the Carbon Spectra Peel. This involves a laser treatment and is not permanent. This treatment helps to shrink skin pores and non-invasive by using light to reduce the size of the pores. This is a two-step treatment as when the laser pulse starts warming up the layers of your skin tissues and the second step immediately removes a thin skin layer of the skin with impurities.
The laser emits carbon particles that enter the skin pores, works with a bursting effect, and absorbs the light initiating production of collagen on the inner walls of your skin pores. This results in shrinking the pores. Minor irritation or
skin redness, lasts for a few hours, and requires no downtime. However, direct sunlight should be avoided, immediately after having the treatment. Sunscreen should be applied when going outdoors.
This requires up to three treatments and done every two to three weeks apart for best results. However, follow-up treatments are recommended every two to three months to maintain your youthful complexion which becomes costly.
Solvaderm Stemuderm is natural and affordable
However, if you want to decrease lines and wrinkles and prevent them from developing again try using Solvaderm's
Stemuderm which is a budget friendly option compared to a Carbon Spectra Peel. It is an organic beauty product with natural ingredients and contains no sulfates or paraben.
The product is suitable for all skin types and very beneficial for maturing skin. As with Carbon Spectra Peel that removes skin, Stemuderm relaxes your facial muscles and in turn help the delay of lines and wrinkles forming around the eyes and mouth.
It has an intense moisturizer that helps clear pores while balancing the natural oil levels in your skin and lessens irritation and inflammation. With the added stem cells in the formula, it works at a cellular level in slowing down aging while stimulating collagen production.
It is a powerful product and requires to be used every other day for the first week and change to daily use after the first week.
Solvaderm a natural solution
Natural is the way to go, as it is safe for both you and the environment. Solvaderm's Stemuderm targets your facial muscles without the pain while keeping your facial muscles relaxed, preventing the aging of lines and wrinkles. It dramatically reduces the volume of lines around your forehead, eyes, laugh lines, and crow's feet while protecting your skin heal and repair. Pamper your skin with natural beauty products like Solvaderm without the aches and pains!
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